a block of P-type semiconductor is placed in contact with a block of N-type
semiconductor in Figure
2.28(a), the result is of no value. We have two conductive blocks in contact
with each other,
showing no unique properties. The problem is two separate and distinct crystal

N-type material has mobile negative majority carriers, electrons. Near the
junction, the N-type
material electrons diffuse across the junction, combining with holes in P-type
material. The
region of the P-type material near the junction takes on a net negative charge
because of
the electrons attracted. Since electrons departed the N-type region, it takes
on a localized positive
charge. The thin layer of the crystal lattice between these charges has been
depleted of
majority carriers, thus, is known as the depletion region. It becomes
nonconductive intrinsic semiconductor
material. In effect, we have nearly an insulator separating the conductive P
and N doped regions.

In Figure 2.29(a) the battery is arranged so that the negative terminal
supplies electrons to the N-type material. These electrons diffuse toward the junction.
The positive terminal removes electrons from the P-type semiconductor, creating holes that
diffuse toward the junction. If the battery voltage is great enough to overcome the junction
potential (0.6V in Si), the N-type electrons and P-holes combine annihilating each other. This
frees up space within the lattice for more carriers to flow toward the junction. Thus,
currents of N-type and P-type majority carriers flow toward the junction. The recombination at the
junction allows a battery current to flow through the PN junction diode. Such a junction is said to
be forward biased.
If the battery polarity is reversed as in Figure
2.29(b) majority carriers are attracted away from the junction toward the battery terminals. The
positive battery terminal attracts N-type majority carriers, electrons, away from the
junction. The negative terminal attracts P-type majority carriers, holes, away from the junction.
This increases the thickness of the noncon- ducting depletion region. There is no recombination
of majority carriers; thus, no conduction. This arrangement of battery polarity is called
reverse bias.
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